Comparative Buddhism In India, China, Vietnam And The Spirit Of Localization In Vietnamese Buddhism

Research Article
Vu Hong Van
Buddhism, India, China, Vietnam, comparative

Buddhism is one of the largest philosophical and religious doctrines in the world, which has existed for a long time with the massive doctrinal system and the large number of Buddhists distributed throughout the world. Buddhism was spread into our country around the 2nd century AD and quickly became a religion that had a profound influence on the spiritual life of Vietnamese people, besides Confucianism, Taoism and Christianity. Vietnam is a country that has been heavily influenced by Chinese culture, so it has been a long time, the view that Buddhism has been also spread from China to Vietnam. Buddhism in Vietnam has been just a copy from Chinese Buddhism. This study contributes to making comparisons of Buddhism in India, China and Vietnam; the process of Buddhism localization in Vietnam, thereby becoming more aware of the process of exchanging and absorbing the cultural values of Buddhism to Vietnamese culture.