Brain lateralization is related to intelligence and it can be evaluated by studying individual preference to laterality markers viz; hand, foot, ear and eye. In this study the level of IQ was compared among the participants of age group 3-20 years based on the laterality markers. 300 participants (150 right handed and 150 left handed) were included. The assessment of handedness, footedness, earedness and eyedness was done using Edinburg Handedness Inventory, Chapmann Foot preference Inventory, Miles test and Lateral Preference Inventory respectively. The IQ was determined by RCPMT (Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices Test) for 3-11 years and RSPMT (Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices Test) for 12-20 years. The IQ scores of left hand, left foot, left ear and left eye dominant participants were significantly high compared to their right side dominant counterparts. The level of IQ increased significantly with the increase in age but IQ was insignificantly different among males and females. This study shows that right brain dominant individuals are more intelligent than left brain dominant individuals.