A study to compare the knowledge and practices among primary school teachers regarding learning disabilities of school children (5-10 years) in selected Government and Private schools of District Gurdaspur, Punjab. A non- experimental research approach and comparative research design was adopted. A purposive sampling technique was used for selection of sample of 60 Primary Schools teachers of Government and Private. Data was gathered by structure questionnaire related to socio demographic variables, knowledge and checklist to assess the practices of primary school teachers. Collected information was analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study revealed that mean knowledge and practices among primary school teachers of Government schools was 20.93 and 11.7 and primary schools teachers of Private schools was 16.17 and 9.37.The difference between mean score was computed by t- value which was highly significant at p<0.01 level. The relationship of socio demographic variables with mean knowledge and practices score shows that the variables like age, education, experience, socio- economic status, was significant at p<0.01 level and other variables like gender, religion, marital status, type of family and source of information was non significant. This study concluded that Government schools teachers had better knowledge and practices than Private schools teachers.