The present investigation was to compare the variations in composition of milk samples in three different species of cattles like cow, buffalo and goat. Milk samples were collected from Manjanayakkanpatti village at Dindigul District, Tamilnadu, India and analyzed for different chemical parameters including, protein, fat, total solids, water, acidity and pH values. It was recorded that cow milk contains 3.39% of protein, 5.8% of fat, 1.75%Total solids, 14.75% Water, 0.137 % of Acidity and 6.6 pH values. Goat milk contains 6.005% of protein, 5.89% of fat, 16.54% of Total solids, 0.005% of water, 0.1375 % of Acidity and 6.55 pH values. The buffalo milk contains 4.85%of protein, 9.95% of fat, 18.97% of Total solids, 8.075% of water, 0.139% of Acidity and 6.75 pH values. All the tested parameters were lower in cow milk than goat and buffalo milk.