A Comprehensive Study On Patient Satisfaction On Ipd Patients At Jaipur

Research Article
BantiKumar and Sudhinder Singh Chowhan
Hospital, Commercialization, Patient Satisfaction,

Hospitals have evolved from being an isolated sanatorium to a place with five star facilities. The patients and their relatives coming to the hospital not only except world class treatment, but also other facilities to make their stay comfortable in as a commercialization and improvement the facilities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level patient/relatives satisfaction at hospitals and feedback from them for improvement of the same. In this study was conducted over a period of 2 months distributing 100 structured questionnaires amongst patients and their relatives to find out the factors, which satisfy them in a hospital.The major dimensions of patient satisfaction are art of care, technical quality of care, accessibility or convenience, finance, physical environment, availability of service provider, continuity of care and efficacy or outcomes of care. According to the survey, 80% respondents indicated that they were satisfied with their period of inpatient care. 15% respondents were not sure about the service received and rest 5 % were not satisfied with the services received during in patient care. Some healthcare services need to be improved so as patients are more satisfied.