A Conceptual Study Of Anidra W.S.R. To insomnia

Research Article
Pallavi Bhushan., Arun Kumar and Neha Mamgain
Insomnia, Anidra

Insomnia is among the most prevalent complaints brought to the attention of primary-care physicians. Approximately 20% of patients seen by primary-care physicians report significant sleep disturbances.1 Insomnia affects all segments of the population, including children and the elderly. While precise estimates vary as a function of definitions and methodology, approximately 40% of adults (≥18 years of age) report at least 1 symptom of insomnia 3 times per week, 20% are dissatisfied with their sleep, and about 10%-13% meet criteria for an insomnia disorder.2,3,4 Anidra is pathological state of sleep where a person does not get proper sound sleep which may be due to Vata vitiation.5