For any graph G, block graph B(G) is a graph whose set of vertices is the union of the set of blocks of G in which two vertices are adjacent if and only if the corresponding blocks of G are adjacent. A subdivision graph of a block graph is obtained from B(G) by subdividing each edge of B(G). A dominating set D is called connected dominating set of a subdivision of a block graph is the induced subgraph 〈D)is connected.The connected domination number γC [S (B (G )) ] of a subdivision graph of B (G ) is the minimum cardinality of a connected dominating set in S (B (G )) . In this paper, we obtain many bonds on γC [S (B (G )) ] in terms of vertices, edges, blocks and different parameters of G and not the members of S (B (G )) . Further we determine its relationship with other domination parameters. Subject Classification Number: AMS-05C69,05C70