The article introduces a conceptualisation of the formation of cultural centre image and an analysis of the relationship between the image of a cultural centre as an organisation and the image formed by target consumers. The article analyses the image formation process, its main constituents and the impact of cultural organisations on a city. The analysis of qualitative data includes cultural public sector institutions that carry out dispersion of art as well as national and local cultural values in Kaunas city – Kaunas cultural centre Tautos Namai, Kaunas Artists’ House, and public institution Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations. The quantitative data analysis includes users of Kaunas cultural centres and city residents that represent interests of a certain part of the society. The cases under analysis reflect the impact of public sector cultural and art institutions, cultural centres in the context of city image formation. It is concluded that having limited possibilities for development due to legal dependence, public sector cultural, art institutions and cultural centres employ product or service demonstration as the main means of image formation because a product or service for consumers of culture and art is more important and more recognisable in the market than image of an organisation.