Correlation Between Metal Ions And Organic Compounds From Semecarpus Anacardum L.F., Their Biological Aspects And Docking Studies

Research Article
Vustelamuri Padmavathi and Bhattiprolu Kesava Rao
SemecarpusanacardiumL.f, Multimetal, Antimicrobial activity, Anti Oxidant activity, Anticancer activity, ICP-AES, Docking studies.
SemecarpusanacardiumL.f, Multimetal, Antimicrobial activity, Anti Oxidant activity, Anticancer activity, ICP-AES, Docking studies.

Medicinal plants after Really, have been playing an important role in the survival of the ethnic communities, natural drugs have recently been received greater importance all over the world, medicinal plants have also responded on the changing environmental conditions. Medicinal plants produce specific secondary metabolites, which can detoxify some of toxic metals. Many metals are essential micronutrients that play a crucial role in certain enzymes used for proper functioning of the body. The lack of proper micronutrients causes health problems in many undeveloped nations, particularly in children and pregnant women. Therefore, it is very important for understanding their nutritive and medicinal value. We have selected Semecarpus anacardium L.f belonging to, Anacardiaceae family which has 77 genera and 850 species frequently found in dry lands rather than in damp localities and commonly known as Ballataka or Bhilwa. For its high medicinal value in ayurvedic and siddha systems, we have selected this and isolated several active chemical constituents in our laboratory. The plant is a good source of minerals like Calcium (Ca),Magnesium(Mg), Potassium(K), Manganese(Mn), Sodium(Na), Lead(Pb), Boran(B), Sodium(Na), Zink(Zn), Nickel(Ni), Aluminum(Al) and this is the first time report on whole plant extracts and ash contents, The structural elucidation and pharmaceutical properties of some of these compounds are being presented in this paper.