Numerous literature on ideas of karma and reincarnation have critically examined and identified a central theme of doctrine that ‘whatever action is done by an individual leaves behind it some sort of a potency which has the power to ordain for him joy or sorrow in the future. When the fruits of such actions cannot be enjoyed in present life, the individual take birth as a being to suffer them’ Here we present a case of a 30-year-old male patient without past medical or psychiatric history, who had decreased intake of food over a year. He was convinced that he was infected with H. pylori bacteria whose severity he mainly attributes to the fault in his stars and his past life karma. He decreased his intake of food to such an extent that he required assistance in activities of daily living. Extensive lab tests and investigative procedures did not reveal any clues for his complaints. He eventually lost about 23 kgs resulting in an emaciated appearance. He showed response to treatment with the SGAP Olanzapine 7.5mg/day.