Cytomorphological study of different lesions in medical college of rural maharashtra

Research Article
Dr. Khiste, J.A., Dr. Kolage, V.A., Dr.Tandale, S.V., *Dr.Kadam, A.D and Dr.Wayal, R.S
FNAC, Breast, Lymph Node, Thyroid and Salivary Gland.

Background:  Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is used in diagnosis of superficial & deep seated swellings of various organ of body. Different organs include breast, lymph node, thyroid, salivary gland & soft tissue etc. FNAC gives added advantage as it is an outpatient procedure & gives early differentiation from non-neoplastic & malignant lesion. The present study was aimed to study clinical features& cytomorphology of different lesions in body. Material & methods: The observational present study was undertaken in department of pathology in new medical college in rural Maharashtra over a period of 1 year. The aspiration material was smeared and stained by haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E), Papanicolaou stains, special stains were applied wherever necessary. Cytological findings were recorded and analysed. Results:  Total 185 patients underwent FNAC of different lesions during study period. Male to female ratio was 1:2.3 and mean age was 40.2 years. Maximum number of cases (32%) were involving the breast lump followed by lymph node (22.85%) and thyroid (17.71%), salivary gland (11.42%), Miscellaneous (16%). Among breast lump fibroadenoma was the predominant lesion (66%). In lymph node lesion (44%) cases showed reactive lymphadenitis. In thyroid lesion (83%)     cases showed colloid goitre. Among salivary gland lesion pleomorphic adenoma was predominant (65%). Miscellaneous cases included, epidermal cyst (32%), lipoma (25%), ganglion cyst (7.14%), benign cystic lesions (17.85%), Inflammatory lesion (10.71%) and giant cell lesion& benign spindle cell lesion (3.57%) each. Conclusion:  FNAC is a simple rapid OPD based procedure used in diagnostic tool in rural areas also. FNAC gives direction to clinician to treat different lesions of the body.