Endodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human dental pulp. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and awareness of patients in a sample of Syrian population regarding root canal treatment. Methods: An on line standardized questionnaire distributed to 365 Syrian citizens. The questionnaire comprised questions ranged from personal and social details to specific questions about endodontic treatment, the analysis of data was performed using methods of descriptive statistics. Results: 217 subjects participated in this questionnaire resulting in a response rate (59.5%). 50.2% of respondents considered that the strong spontaneous toothache was the most impact factor of the need for endodontic treatment. (21.7%) of respondents know a lot about endodontic treatment. (72.2%) of subjects confirmed that the price don't influence their decision about taking endodontic treatment, (78.3%) of subjects said they will pay a high price to make sure the proper treatment. Conclusion: Patients’ knowledge and awareness regarding endodontic treatment may influence the decision-making and choice of the patients, there has been increased knowledge and concern of patients about endodontic treatment among Syrian population. Cost associated with endodontic treatment, professionalism and competence of clinician are crucial factors that affect decision making in endodontics.