Flora and fauna need minerals in small quantity for theirgrowth and development.Main objective of the present study is to explore the presence of micro and macromaterialsin the leaves of Aloe veraz. Liliaceae, which were obtainedfrom various sites of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh.As per the methodology is concerned, the accumulation of heavy metals like Fe, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mn, Cd, Co and Pb in Aloe vera leaves collected show range of various heavy metals in Aloe vera leaves of all samples were Fe (19.11 to 26.23), Cr (6.72 to 4.86), Cu (3.27 to 2.11), Ni (6.91 to 5.02), Zn (50.21 to 46.13), Cd (1.60 to 0.71), Co (3.78 to 2.31) and Pb (17.11 to 14.21). Result showed the concentration of Sodium, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Lead and Cadmium were detected quite high in almost all the samples. Aloe vera is also a source of herbaldrug preparation. It is a good alternative for treatment of untreated water and contaminated landas it can absorb traceelements from the land. Minerals are required in little quantity for the growth and development of living organisms. Excess concentration of trace elements in soil increase the rate of uptake by plant roots that affects the metabolism of plants as well as animals. In the conclusion it can be mentioned that, Aloe vera L. (Aloe barbadensis Miller) plant absorbs good amount of metals from the soil during its growth and it is one of the important plants that is used as herbal drug and direct application as a remedy of various diseases. In small quantity heavy metals are playing important role in the living system but heavy metals may be hazardous if level goes above the maximum permissible concentrations. The aim of the present study is to assess the Results revealed that concentration of trace metals in Aloe Vera leaves are quite high and could be harmful if consumed directly.