The aim of present study was to develop and standardize the scale to measure self-directed learning of college students. Self-directed learning is an offshoot of problem solving that connotes a process whereby individuals take responsibility for initiating and carrying out learning activities in an autonomous manner, without any guidance or prompt from significant others i.e. teachers, parents and peers. On the basis of review of related literature and tools used in previous researches, 55 items were constructed around 5 areas of self-directed learning namely self-management, self-control, love for learning, self-concept as an effective learner and initiative/independence and motivation in learning. After comments and suggestions of experts 49 items were selected for preliminary draft. After administration of scale on a sample of 300 college students item analysis was done, Only those items were selected in the final draft, which had comparatively higher mean score (i.e. ≥ 3) in case of high scoring group and at the same instance a lower mean score (i.e. ≤ 3) in case of low scoring group on 5-point Likert scale. On the basis of discriminative power 25 items were rejected and 24 items were retained in final draft of learning preference assessment scale. Internal consistency (Cronbach alpha) coefficient was found to be 0.80 and test-retest reliability coefficient on a sample of 82 college students was found to be 0.89 which is appreciably high. Content validity was established through comments/suggestions of experts during construction of items in the scale.