Dietary Calcium Intake Among Adults-A Quantitative Assessment

Research Article
Sindhu latha A P., Gayathri G and Hemamalini A J
Calcium, Diet, Assessment

Background: Tropical countries like India is now found to be highly prevalent with the increased incidence of osteoporosis over the last three decades; which is inevitably aggravated with negative balance in dietary calcium. Aim: To quantitatively estimate the dietary calcium intake of adults. Methods: Forty subjects of the age group 35 to 45 years were selected randomly. Three-day food samples consumed by the subjects were collected and estimated for the calcium content using standard laboratory techniques and the values were analyzed. Results: The mean calcium intake was found to be 477.8±121.5 mg/day among males and 410.2±112.8 mg/day among females. Conclusion: Consumption of calcium should be increased by two fold to meet the recommended dietary allowance.