Introduction: In India, poor eating habits are a major public health concern among college students who experience transition into university life, during which they are exposed to stress and lack of time. Objective: To assess the dietary pattern among college going adolescents.
Methodology: Cross-sectional study conducted among 400 college going adolescents (17-19 years) residing in urban area of Belagavi. Diet (consumption pattern), frequency of meals, type of meal, vegetables and fruits consumption, daily water intake, consumption of fast food, etc. were assessed using pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire.
Results: Mean calorie consumption among boys was 1472 ±417 Kcal and in girls was 1360 ± 380 Kcal. 45.5% of boys and 51.5% of girls were underweight. Majority had regular meals and breakfast (72% &, 80.8% respectively). 46.8% consumed fruits less than three times per week, 58% had fried food twice or more per week and 40.5% consumed less than 2 liters of water a day.
Conclusions: Most of the students in this study had healthy eating habits except in their consumption of fruits, water intake and consumption of fried food. A study of this type will help to provide nutrition education on healthy food habits and life styles which will help college students bridge the gap between knowledge and practice of dietary pattern.