In the present investigation, a total of 28 species belonging to 13 genera of fungi were isolated from Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary, Kerala during February 2016. The whole area was divided into 3 plots (I, II and III) and the mycoflora were isolated by using soil dilution plate method on potato dextrose agar medium supplemented with antibiotic ambistryn. The maximum number of fungal isolates belonging to the class Ascomycetes (8 genera and 23 species), followed by Zygomycetes (3 genera and 3 species) and Oomycetes (2 genus and 2 species) were recorded. Maximum species diversity was shown by the genus Penicillium (12 species) followed by Aspergillus (3 species). The fungal density and relative frequency was highest for Aspergillus and least for Isoachlya. The fungal abundance was maximum for Cunninghamella and minimum for Scopulariopsis. Maximum similarity of species was shown between plots I and II & II and III and least between I and III. Maximum species diversity was shown by plot 3 followed by plot 2 and then by plot 1