Dosimetric Comparison Of 3dcrt Vs Imrt Techniques In Carcinoma Uterine Cervix

Research Article
J Rakesh Reddy., Kamalaksh Shenoy K., Venkataraman Kini., Avin Kumar., Kavitha., Chaitra M Deshpande and Suhas V Navada
3DCRT, IMRT, Radiotherapy, Carcinoma Cervix

There is significant treatment related toxicity due to irradiation of bowel and bladder during the treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Our study aims at dosimetrically comparing the dose received by various organs at risk such as bladder, rectum, bowel bag, femoral heads in patients planned to receive radiation therapy to uterine cervix using 3 Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3DCRT) and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) technique. 30 patients with carcinoma of uterine cervix stage IIB2 to IVA were selected for the study. The mean dose received by the Organs At Risk (OAR) was significantly lesser in the IMRT technique (p <0.001).The dose to bladder can be reduced by 47.21% using IMRT technique, whereas the reduction in dose to rectum was 17.21%. The reduction in dose to the right and left femoral heads were 55.95% and 66.80% respectively. The bowel bag received a lesser dose by 35.96% using the IMRT technique. We conclude thatIMRT is associated with significant reduction in the dose delivered to organs at risk during treatment of carcinoma of uterine cervix by definitive radiation therapy