Biodiversity is an important factor which is responsible for all the environmental changes and climatic conditions and Ecosystem functioning involves process of primary production, tropic transfer from plants to animals, nutrient cycling, water dynamics and heat transfer. The present study attempted to identify the role of ecosystem functioning and climatic effects on biodiversity of arthropods. When the species extinct or in critically endangered state the survival of these species are and hence reduced the eco-system function. The present study focuses on the Arthropod diversity in Mettur, from (November 2011 to April 2012). The insect collection was done by using Malaise Traps, Berlese Tullgren Funnel, Light Sheets, Pitfall Trap, Hand picking method, Sticky glove methods, and Yellow pan trapping methods etc., in four different habitats randomly selected from the sites. The study area was divided into four different sites based on the habitats, Agricultural area, undisturbed area, Thermal power station area and Mettur dam. Based on the survey we were observed nearly 32 species of insect belonging to 5 orders. The diversity was calculated by Shannon Wiener Index.