The effect of foliar fertilizing on the chemical composition of leaves of primorski almond cultivar grown in Valandovo region in the period from 2012 to 2013 was determined. The experiment was set in four variants and three repetitions. The variants were: Control (untreated); NPK+Ever green со Me (55% organic matter, 2% w/w Mg, 2% w/w Fe, 2% w/w Zn, 2% w/w Mn, 0.5 % w/w Cu, 0.5% w/w B); NPK+Biolinfa (34% organic matter 3% N, 5.80% K2O) and NPK+Oligomix (1.20% B, 0.10% Cu, 4% Fe, 1.50% Mn, 0.10% Mo, 2% Zn). The distance of fruit planting was 4.5 m row by row and 3.5 m in the rows. In each variant and repetition were included 60 plants, and total in all experiment were involved 720. Three foliar treatments were applied with given above fertilizers at a concentration of 0.4%. In the end of the November, soil fertilizing with the fertilizer Polyfeed 11-44-11 in quantity amount of 450 kg ha-1 was done. The foliar fertilizing had a positive influence on the chemical composition of almond leaves. The highest average nitrogen content (2.32%), phosphorus (0.35%) and potassium (2.29%) were determined in the leaves from variant 3 Biolinfa (34% organic matter, 3 % N; 5.80 % K2O) The highest average content of calcium (2.61%) and magnesium (1.22%) were determined in the leaves from variant 2 NPK+Ever green with Me (55% organic matter, 2%w/w Mg, 2%w/w Fe, 2%w/w Zn, 2% w/w Mn, 0.5 %w/w Cu, 0.5 %w/w B). The highest average content of micro elements iron (240 mg kg-1 ), manganese (175 mg kg-1 ), boron (38.70 mg kg-1 ), zinc (14.52 mg kg-1 ), and copper (25.90 mg kg-1 ) were determined in leaves from variant 4. NPK+Oligomix (1.20 % B, 0.10 %Cu, 4 % Fe, 1.50 % Mn, 0.10 % Mo, 2 % Zn).