Refrigeration systems form important component for the industrial progress and effects the energy problems of the country at large. Hence, it is suggested to subject the base for conservation of energy and recuperation of energy from Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System (VARS). Absorption Refrigeration Systems (ARS’s) requires low grade of energy for their performance. However, fouling plays a major role on the performance parameter of refrigeration system. The accumulation of the unwanted material over the surfaces are large enough to interfere the fluid flow significantly and thereby, gain momentum in the pressure drop which requires to sustain the required flow rate through the heat exchanger. The objective of this paper is to present empirical relations for evaluating the characteristics and performance of a single stage Ammonia water (NH3 -H2O) vapour absorption system under normal as well as fouled conditions. In the present work COP of the vapour absorption refrigeration system is decreased under fouling by keeping the constant value of overall conductance