This study was conducted with 121 women as an interventional study with pretest-posttest groups. In order to collect the data, questionnaire form, Framingham Risk Scoring System, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Knowledge Level Scale, Healthy Life Style Behaviors Scale, and SelfEfficacy/Sufficiency Scale were used. Blood pressure, serum lipid and glucose, body weight, height, and waist circumference of groups were measured. Chi-square, t test, ANOVA, Dunnet T3 Post Hoc test, and correlation analysis were used for analysis. It has been found that health promotion education given to women has reduced cardiovascular risk factors. Furthermore, cardiovascular disease knowledge, healthy life style behaviors (p<0.05), and self-efficacy/sufficiency levels of intervention group have increased after the education. The change in metabolic variables are significant (p<0.05). Health promotion education is effective in reducing cardiovascular disease risk.