The present paper highlights the propagation prospects of an endangered medicinal plant Androgrphis macrobotrys Nees, which is popularly used for several medicinal applications. Such as snake bite, diarrhoea and skin diseases, etc. Due to over exploitation this plant is vanishing from original habitat hence its cultivation on commercial scale is approved. Stem cuttings of Androgrphis macrobotrys are comfortable to root. Treatment with IAA (Indole-3-Acetic Acid) and IBA (Indole – 3 – Butyric Acid) advanced rooting and raised shoot growth in greenhouse under intermittent misting. The percentage of rooting was elevated in the cuttings treated with 300 ppm IAA (55.14%) and was the roots length was maximum in the cutting treated with 400 ppm of IAA (9.54 cm) and 300 ppm of IBA (7.48 cm). The roots were luxuriant and branched in quality. The percentage of rooting and root reach reformed by using IAA and IBA, either single or together.