The present investigation was conducted during rabi 2015- 2016 at Chincholi near Nashik. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (Factorial) with three level each of nitrogen (N1: 40, N2 :60, N3 :80 kg ha -1 ) ) , phosphorus (P1: 15, P2: 30, P3: 45 kg ha -1 ) and potassium (K1: 0, K2: 15, K3: 30 kg ha -1 ) replicated twice. Chemical studies the nutrient concentrations as influenced by different treatments viz., N, P and K content (%) in seed and straw, N, P and K uptake by seed, straw and crop (kg ha-1 ) and available N, P and K in soil (kg ha-1 ) after harvest of crop. The mean concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in linseed seed were 4.63, 0.84 and 0.85 per cent, while in straw 1.06, 0.54 and 1.03 per cent, respectively. Total N, P and K uptake (kg ha-1 ) by seed, straw and crop were increased significantly due to application of 80:45:30 NPK kg ha-1 and Available N, P and K (kg ha-1 ) in soil after harvest was higher at application of 80kg ha-1 nitrogen, 45 kg ha-1 phosphorus and 30 kg ha-1 potassium over lower levels of fertilizer application.