Birth asphyxia is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Resuscitation of the newborn presents a different set of challenges than resuscitation of the adult or even older infants. Aim of the study: study is intended to find out the effect of knowledge, attitude and skills of health workers regarding care of newborn at birth. Material and Method: Pre-experimental research design was used. Study was conducted at Panvel Taluka, Wavanje primary health Centre. The samples were enrolled from 20 ANM and 20 ASHA working under Wavanje health Centre. Investigator had prepared structured tool for assessing knowledge, attitude and skills of health worker regarding care of newborn at birth. Results: Before training ANM’s were higher in the knowledge as well as skills than the ASHA’s. Meanwhile score improved in the 2 groups. There was statistical significant difference seen after post training in both the group. Conclusion: If training and retraining on care of newborn at birth is provided to ASHA’s, they are trainable. ASHA’s can be absorbed as a helping hand to ANM’s during delivery. Training has increased knowledge as well as skills of ASHA workers as well as ANM