The pesticides are used for the eradication of pest causes tremendous changes to the environment and also to other non – target organisms. To prevent such contamination of the environment and pests, uses of zoopesticides are in current use. The male reproductive system of Sphanerodema rusticum consists of a pair of testis, seminal vesicle vasdeferentia, a common ejaculatory duct and then into aedeagus. The seminal vesicle is bulged tubule shape structure. The seminal vesicle showed some marked changes in the insects treated with the (zoopesticide) pygidial secretion (25ppm median lethal concentration). Treated insects shows a highly disintegrated epithelial cells with weakly strained cyloplasum and nuclei with many cytoplasmic vacuoles. Hence, the recent study was undertaken to foldout the effect of phygidial secretion on Sphanerodema rusticum