Lilium mackliniae Sealy or Siroy Lily, belonging to the family Liliaceae grows at an altitude of 2427 m - 2590m ASL, 25° 06' 52.1" N latitude and 094° 26' 52.2" E longitude at Shirui Hills of Manipur has unfortunately become a rare and endangered species in its own natural habitat due to over-exploitation and environmental degradation. A brief study on how the plant growth was affected by various physical factors endangering the plant are studied. The study reveals that the plant grows well in the colder areas with high velocity of wind as compared to the hotter areas with less velocity of wind. Forest fire caused by the villagers every year destroys the seed and the seedlings as it was observed that the Lilium mackliniae which grows and survives the forest fire has a long and deeply rooted plant around 10-15 cm underneath the ground and new propagation of seedlings is rarely seen on the open slop. Tourists also adversely affect the survival and reproduction of the plant while walking inside the habitat as they usually stamp on the plant intentionally or unintentionally leading to the destruction of the plant which will ultimately reduce the regeneration of the plant species