Effectiveness Of Gaussian And Average Noise Reduction Filters On Ideal Fingerprint Image In Biometric Fingerprint Identification System

Research Article
Syed Mohsin Saif, 1Mudasir Manzoor Kirmani and 2Ziema Mushtaq
Biometrics, Fingerprint identification and verification, Noise, filters and histogram.

Privacy, prevention, protection and accessibility of the organizational data became the grave concern for all the organization of varying scope and service. Each data variable has to be protected from being accessed by malicious users. All the accesses to the system should be identified and verified before being granted permission to use the system. Many practices are in place to restrict the malicious users from making their entry into system. Biometric security systems have been gaining much more popularity. Fingerprint identification and verification system has faced many challenges to make the perfect matching efficient. In nature to get ideal condition is very rare. Biometric fingerprint systems do face similar challenges. Noise is most predominate factor which makes the system to withstand certain challenges. An attempt has been made in present study to find the behavior of noise and the counter measures to enhance to image more or less similar to the original image by applying some filters.