Breastfeeding is the feeding of babies and young children with milk from a woman's breast. Babies have a sucking reflex that enables them to suck and swallow milk. Breastmilk is the best food for the baby and baby can successfully get adequate feeding when mothers can properly latch on their babies to breast which prevents all the nipple sores, crack nipples, painful feeding which is the major obstacle for successful breastfeeding. Mothers could enjoy breastfeeding when they know proper latch-on technique for breastfeeding and make breastfeeding a wonderful experience.
The study attempts to assess the effectiveness of Information Education and Communication on knowledge and practice regarding latch on technique for breastfeeding among primipara mothers at selected hospitals, Bangalore. The research approach adopted for the study was True Experimental – Post Test Control Only design. Probability Simple Random Sampling technique was used. Among 60 primipara, 30 were assigned to experimental and 30 in control group. Information Communication and Education on the latch on technique for breastfeeding was administered among primipara mothers in the experimental group. After administration, posttest level of knowledge was assessed by using multiple choice questionnaire and post test level of practice was assessed by using standard breastfeeding assessment tool “LATCH” tool for both the experimental group and control group. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The ‘t’ value (t=18.79) was computed between mean pre-test and post-test knowledge scores among experimental group and control group. Also ‘t’ value (t=10.230) was computed between mean pre-test and posttest pracice scores among experimental group and control group. The results revealed that ‘t’ value was higher than the table value which shows that it was statistically significant (p<0.05) so the intervention was effective. The obtained correlation coefficient ‘r ‘value was 0.365 which showed there was a positive correlation between knowledge and practice regarding latch on technique for breastfeeding. There was also a significant association between knowledge scores of primipara mothers and selected demographic variables like education. Thus the study concluded that the Information Education and Communication was effective in improving knowledge and practice regarding latch on technique for breast feeding among primipara mothers.