Background of the Study: India has a large population of Coronary Artery Disease patients. This gives the scenario for effective cardiac rehabilitation and improved health care delivery to such patients. Cardiac Rehabilitation is widely practiced all over the world as secondary prevention, for health promotion and rehabilitation as well. But the concept has not gained full acceptance in India Cardiac rehabilitation is a professionally supervised program to help people recover from heart attacks, heart surgery and percutaneous coronary intervention procedures such as stenting, angioplasty and CABG. Cardiac rehabilitation programs usually provide education and counseling services to help heart patients increase physical fitness, reduce cardiac symptoms, improve health and reduce the risk of future heart problems, including heart attack. “A pre experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on knowledge regarding cardiac rehabilitation of myocardial infarction patient among staff nurses working in cardiac ICU at selected Hospitals, Kolhapur.” was conducted by the researcher. Objectives 1. To evaluate the effectiveness of SIM on knowledge regarding cardiac rehabilitation of myocardial infarction patient among staff nurses. 2. To determine the association between pre-test knowledge scores with their selected sociodemographic variables of staff nurses. Methods: A pre experimental, one group pre test & post test research design was used, which consisted a group of 60 subjects that were selected by using non-probability, purposive sampling technique. Data was collected by using tool 1) Part A- socio demographic data 2) Part B- Structured knowledge questionnaire regarding cardiac rehabilitation of myocardial infarction patient. A self instructional module (SIM) was administered to the subjects soon after pre test and post test was conducted after 7 days. Results: The result shows that, out of 60 staff nurses, In pre test majority of the subjects 35(58.33%) had average knowledge, 17(28.33%) had good knowledge and 8(13.33%) had poor knowledge, where as in post test 33(55%) subjects had good knowledge, 27(45%) had average knowledge and none of the subjects had poor knowledge. The calculated paired ‘t’ value (t cal = 10.15) is greater than tabulated value (t tab = 2.00). Hence H1 was accepted. This indicates that the gain in knowledge score is statistically significant at P<0.05 level. i.e. H1: μ≠μ0. Therefore the findings revealed that the SIM on cardiac rehabilitation for myocardial infarction patient was effective in increasing the knowledge regarding cardiac rehabilitation of myocardial infarction among staff nurses. In the present study, association between pre test knowledge scores of staff nurses regarding cardiac rehabilitation of myocardial infarction patient with selected socio demographic variables are analyzed and categorized. Age of the staff nurses was significantly associated in the present study [X2 cal= 10.68, X2 tab= 9.49]. As nursing is a female dominating profession, in this study the female nurses are more as compared to male nurses, hence in present study, gender [X2 cal= 29.48, X2 tab= 3.84] is statistically associated with pre test knowledge scores. Total experience of staff nurse also was significantly associated in the present study [X2 cal= 23.46, X2 tab= 5.99]. This proves that, the more experienced staff nurse are, the more knowledge on cardiac rehabilitation of myocardial infarction patient they posses.
Effectiveness Of Self Instructional Module (Sim) On Knowledge Regarding Cardiac Rehabilitation Of Myocardial Infarction Patient Among Staff Nurses Working In Cardiac Icu At Selected Hospitals, Kolhapur
Research Article
Knowledge, cardiac rehabilitation, staff nurses, cardiac ICU