Background of the study There has been a revolution in heath care in the last 50 years as a result of new technologies and treatment. Modern medicine has seen an enormous growth in demand for emergency care services. An emergency was defined as a serious situation or occurrence that happens unexpectedly and demands immediate action2 . It is the physician’s responsibility to prescribe drugs in the correct dosage to achieve the desired effect without endangering the health of the human. However, nurses must have an understanding of the safe dosage of medication, as well as the rout of the administration, expected action, possible side-effects and signs of toxicity.4 “A pre experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module (SIM) on knowledge regarding selected emergency drugs among staff nurses working in critical area of selected hospitals, Kolhapur.” was conducted by the researcher.
Objectives of the Study
1. To evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module (SIM) regarding selected emergency drugs among staff nurses.
2. To find out an association between pre test knowledge scores with their selected socio-demographic variables of staff nurses.
A pre experimental, one group pre test & post test research design was used, which consisted a group of 60 subjects that were selected by using non-probability, purposive sampling technique. Data was collected by using tool 1) Part A- Selected sociodemographic data, 2) Part B- structured knowledge questionnaire regarding selected emergency drugs. A self instructional module (SIM) was administered to the subjects soon after pre test and post test was contacted after 7 days.
Results The result shows that, out of 60 subjects, in pre test, maximum of the participants 28(46.66%) had average knowledge and minimum 07(11.66%) had poor knowledge where as in post test 34(56.66%) participants had good knowledge and remaining 26(43.33%) had average knowledge regarding selected emergency drugs. The calculated paired‘t’ value (tcal = 8.21) is greater than tabulated value (ttab = 2.00). This indicates that the gain in knowledge score is statistically significant at P<0.05 level. These the findings revealed that the self instructional module (SIM) on selected emergency drugs was effective in increasing the knowledge regarding selected emergency drugs among subjects. There was significant association between pre test knowledge scores and selected socio-demographic variables like age [X2 cal= 30.64, X2 tab=9.49 at df (4)]. The calculated Chi-square value was higher than tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance. This indicates that there was significant association between pre test knowledge scores with their selected socio-demographic variables at 0.05 level of significance.