Effectiveness Of Ultrasound Therapy In Combination With Manual Therapy & Shoulder Exercises For Sub-Acromial Impingement Syndrome

Research Article
Priya Rai and Jaywant Nagulkar
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome, Shoulder Exercise, Manual Therapy

Aim To Study The Comparison Between Effects of Ultrasound Therapy In Combination With Manual Therapy & Shoulder Exercises Alone For Sub Acromial Impingement Syndrome.


1. To Assess The Effectiveness of Ultrasound Therapy When Added To Manual Therapy &Shoulder Exercises In The Rehabilitation of Patients With Sub Acromial Impingement Syndrome.

2. To Assess the Effectiveness of Manual Therapy & Shoulder Exercises In Treating Sub Acromial Impingement Syndrome

3. To Assess The Effectiveness of The Ultrasound With Manual Therapy And Shoulder Exercises.

Conclusion The result of this study show that control and intervention are effective in improving. Rom in Abduction, External Rotation, Internal Rotation Additionally, Ultrasound Technique Is Proved To be more Effective In Improving The Rom, Pain, Spdi As Compared To Control Group Among Shoulder impingement syndrome patients. Although ultrasound technique also showed to be more effective in improving the pain as compared to control technique. Therefore, Ultrasound Technique Can Be Used In Day To Day Practice of Physiotherapy as A Treatment Protocol For A Positive Effect Among Shoulder Impingement Syndrome