A superior formulation should provide the optimum number of beneficial microbes in good state to the soil or rhizosphere or the plant. Currently, a rising trend has been observed in the application of biological alternatives to lessen the lethal effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In this regard, several beneficial microbes such as mineral solubilising bacteria (viz. KSB, PSB, ZSB etc.) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have played a huge role. But these microbes cannot be used directly. In search of efficient microbe delivering solutions, a number of organic and inorganic carriers have emerged in due course of time that act as vectors for the microbial inoculant and constitute the main bulk of any carrier based bioformulation. This review will highlight the multifarious uses of coir pith in diverse fields ranging from industries to agro- horticulture and emphasise on its potential use as a suitable carrier for microbial formulations.