The application of herbal immunostimulants in fish farming for the prevention of diseases is a promising field. A 30-day trial was conducted in a static indoor rearing glass aquaria to investigate the possibility of Ocimum sanctum cow urine decoction by distillation (OCUDD) and by fermentation (OCUDF) in enhancing the growth of Oreochromis mossambicus. Preliminary studies were conducted with various concentrations (0.01%, 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5% and 1%) of O. sanctum decoction in cow urine and 0.01% (v/v) was selected for the present study. Experimental groups T1-Distillate OCUDD, T2-Ferment OCUDF, T3- O. sanctum extract, T4-Cow urine distillate (CUD), T5-Cow urine (CU) were maintained along with a control. Each group has 10 fish maintained in 25L aquaria. Triplicates were maintained. The feeding ration was adjusted every 10th day through sampling of fish. Growth, growth rate, average daily growth, percentage increase in body weight, specific growth rate, feeding rate, feed conversion rate protein efficiency ratio and survival rate was examined in the present study. The results were recorded and discussed. The results indicate an enhancement of growth and survival in the treated groups. The study thus will be a milestone in eco-safe and integrated nutritional aquaculture practices and there by healthy fishes.