Neuro Muscular Taping (NMT) is a biomechanical therapy method using decompressive stimuli to obtain positive effects in the musculoskeletal, vascular, lymphatic and neurological systems. As the tapes form wrinkles, lifting the skin, they facilitate venous and lymphatic drainage, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain. Correct application may also assist to correct the alignment of joints, support muscles during movement, and improve stability and posture. In this study we evaluated the effectiveness of a low cost and relatively easy to learn taping technique for the treatment of low back pain which is the most prevalent musculoskeletal condition and the most common cause of disability in developed nations. The lifetime prevalence of LBP (at least one episode of LBP in a lifetime) in developed countries is reported to be up to 85%. LBP results in significant levels of disability, producing significant restrictions on usual activity and participation, such as an inability to work. Furthermore, the economic, societal and public health effects of LBP appear to be increasing. 40 subjects with low back pain were included in this study at the Mekelle University, Ethiopia, Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Physiotherapy Department as a part of rehabilitation project to evaluate economic and practical solutions for non specific low back pain in developing countries. Standardized NMT application for lumbar pain was used in one group while the other group received standard physical therapy over a 4 to 6 week treatment period. According to Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability index there was a significant reduction in pain with the NMT lumbar application in comparison to the physical therapy only treatment group. While the Visual Analogue scale showed significant reduction in pain from 8.2±1.54 pretest to 1.4±1.09 post test. The results show that NeuroMuscular taping has an important role in the treatment of non specific low back pain in developing countries due to its low economic cost and the easiness of specific training required to apply correctly the methodology outlined in this article.