According to the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation of condensed systems the process of radiation occurs when random thermal oscillations of particles in the atomic-molecular structure occur. And the radiation power increases with decreasing wavelength. However, this is not supported by experimental data. To explain such features of the electromagnetic radiation of heated bodies, M. Planck put forward a hypothesis about the quantum nature and discontinuity of the radiation process, which allowed to solve the problem. M. Planck believed that absorption occurs continuously. A.Einstein supplemented the hypothesis by introducing the idea about discontinuous of absorption. At the same time, each link of a material object exhibits certain physicochemical and quantum mechanical properties with the quantitative ratio of the constituent elements, with the structural and energetic correspondence of the system. Consequently, microscopic phenomena are reflected in the manifestation of the macroscopic properties of substances and a separate consideration of the structural elements of this system without taking into account their interaction in many cases leads to a distortion of reality. In this article, in order to clarify the micro-macroscopic relationship electromagnetic radiation and the absorption of energy by a substance from massive formations to the atomic-molecular state are discussed, where the constituent elements exhibit corresponding spectra. The distribution of energy in the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation of heated bodies in the scientific literature is explained by the transition of electrons from the excited atomic state to their original stationary position. In this case, the process is accompanied by the release of excess energy in the form of a photon quantum representing the dual nature of the movement of microparticles with manifestations of a standing wave. The frequency of the emission of photons and its relation to the cyclic frequency characterizing the change in the amplitude of the vibrational motion in units of radianare considered in detail. Based on the structural-energetic correspondence of matter the formation of combinations of “elementary energy carriers” in the nuclear-electronic structure of substances in the form of “electromagnetic particles” with loss the characteristic of their motion in a free state is proposed. In this case, combinations of elementary particles are formed in the atomic-molecular structure of substances with a change in their free movement and, accordingly, in their energy characteristics. Depending on the process conditions these “electromagnetic particles” manifest themselves in the form of heat, light, electricity, and other forms of energy transfer. These phenomena clearly demonstrate the mechanism of energy transfer by elementary particles. That is, “energy” characterizes the movement of a material object.