The growth of gross state domestic product is an important parameter to measure the state of economic health of states and as a whole of the country. It helps to describe the status of public welfare of the states and overall picture of the economy. But there is uneven growth of state domestic product (SDP) of Indian states which is a constraint on the overall growth of India’s gross domestic product (GDP). The growth of most of the Indian states is found to be featured with instability and volatility. This paper examines the extent of disparity in growth of state domestic products of different Indian states and also examines the trends of growth of GDP of India over a period of time. It also compares the growth trend of real GDP and nominal GDP of India. The annual growth rate (AGR) of state domestic product at constant prices (2011-12) of year-to-year for different states in India is used as a measure of disparity and volatility. This study is based on secondary data collected from various sources to find out the uneven growth of state domestic product at constant price in India. This study reveals that the growth is inconsistent in different states in India as well as in GDP of India and it is due to uneven distribution of economic activities among the states as well as across the country.