It is generally accepted that in today's society women have access to education and can promote themselves much more easily than in the seventies. Women's changing role is happening because women now-a-days are educated. It is recognised as an essential need for achieving equality in most walks of life. There are still problems for girl pupils or women students but no one would deny their rights to study or to question it. The Government’s national policy on education laid down that the educational system must produce men and women of character and ability committed to national services and development. Only then will education be able to play its vital role in promoting national progress, creating a sense of common citizenship, culture and national integration. In India, the increase in the educational facilities and opportunities for women and the removal of traditional bars and obstacles on the entry of women to particular branches and levels of education got the wide support of champions of women’s emancipation from the 19th century onwards .Yet the role of women in the overall development of the nation has not been fully understood, nor has it been given its full weight in the struggle to eliminate poverty, hunger, inequality, injustice and humiliation at the both national and international levels.
In order to realize women’s potential for fuller participation in the productive and decision-making processes, there is a need for sharing of parental responsibilities but also for institutional provisions, which benefit children and families. Measures must be taken to expand the educational and employment opportunities and to improve their economic status. The provision of the necessary infrastructure should be treated as an important and integral part of national and international development strategies having in mind the vital linkages between science, technology and women’s development. When such strategies are evolved, there will be an increase in the number of women students in the formal IT based education stream which would enable and facilitate them to pursue courses and careers. This can increase the cadres of women working for women’s upliftment and development in the remote corners of the country, in addition to adding effectively to the wealth of skilled and trained science and technology manpower in the country for the numerous development programmes. The paper explores the avenues created by ICT for women empowerment and suggests strategies to ensure that greater benefits accrue to women.