Agricultural systems have the potential to sequester carbon from the atmosphere and alleviate climatic change. Sequestration of atmospheric carbon is one of the mitigation measures for encountering the anthropogenic climate change due to emission of green house gases. Based on the field experiment and analysis, it is shown that Hedge Lucerne, an economically viable crop, also provides an efficient carbon sequestration system. A comparison of normalized carbon sequestered by different crops with that by Hedge Lucerne shows it to be more efficient. Similarly, the carbon sequestered is found to be the highest by Hedge Lucerne in comparison to three other crops viz. Hybrid Napier, Fodder cowpea and Fodder maize. Analysis of cropping systems was conducted to determine potential net carbon sequestration in agricultural systems. Carbon sequestration rates calculated from the analysis was used to determine potential carbon storage in Thenkasi (Tirunelveli district, Tamilnadu, India). Rates of carbon sequestration based on crop management practices are expected to provide an accurate basis for carbon sequestration initiatives.