Enhancing Of Empathy As A Result Of Reduction In Distress Through Trigger Of Emotions By Feature Films In Learning And Alluring Environment

Research Article
Abdul Sattar Khan and Rabel Khawaja
Empathy; cinemeduction; undergraduates; doctor-patients relation; edutainment

With respect to empathic behavior the new physicians not fulfilling the requirements to the satisfaction of patient and recently studies that focused on medical students agreed that self-assessed empathy decreased significantly during last two decades. Therefore many strategies have been applied to increase empathy among medical students however recent literature shows a significant decline during last twenty years. One of the main reasons is that medical students’ exposure to patients with and unrealistic expectations leads to distress. There is a need to discover an effective and best learning tool which instead exposing students directly to real patients; first develop feelings and understanding of patients. Hence it is hypothesized that feature film could be a method based on a persuade model which demonstrates an imaginative immersion into others’ stories that are not real will understanding of patients and minimize the effect of distress. This article presents a theoretical framework for enhancing empathy, among medical students, by steady exposure to patients through films that demonstrate positive or negative empathic behavior of a physician with clarification that physicians cannot solve all problems followed by role-play and then real patients. It is expected that when medical students are then exposed to real patients they will not be under stress and lose their empathy. It is speculated if applied practically, will be easily transferable and beneficial for several stakeholders including medical students, health care mangers and atients and community.