The study was conducted to find out the prevalence of VL, PKDL and asymptomatic VL and to detect sero-conversion rate of asymptomatic VL case and the role of liposomal amphotericin-B in the treatment of VL and PKDL cases which in-turn help to reach our national goal of VL elimination. Population of study villages were examined by rK39 kit for detection of VL, PKDL and asymptomatic VL cases. Detected asymptomatic VL infections were followed-up for 1.5years to observe sero-conversion pattern. Among 2224 individuals 127 were rK39 positive, of which 72 had previous history of Kala-azar and 55 without Kala-azar history. Among 55 rK39 positive casesVL, asymptomatic VL and PKDL was confirmed in 1.81%, 96.36% and 1.81% cases, respectively. Both VL and PKDL cases were successfully treated with amphotericin-B. Among 53 asymptomatic VL, 73.58% became negative spontaneously during 1.5 years and 7.54% still remained positive. During study period 17 new infections were as detected. Active mass screening helps to detect VL, PKDL and asymptomatic cases. Ongoing transmission of the disease as evidenced by newly infected individuals perhaps due to presence of asymptomatic cases. So, asymptomatic VL and PKDL cases need much attention to reach our goal of Kala-azar elimination.