Epidemiology Of Pediatric Orthopaedic Injuries Presenting In A Tertiary Care Hospital In Northern India

Research Article
Sourabh Sinha., Madusudan Mishra., Vineet Kumar and Ajai Singh
Paediatric Trauma, Physeal Injury, Injury Distribution, Fractures

Background: Road traffic accidents have become a leading cause of morbidity, mortality and disability in our country. The causes of injury in paediatric age group has also seen a major shift towards road traffic accidents. This has led to an increase in high velocity trauma in children and is responsible for a change in the injury patterns in this age group. This study is an effort to recognize the incidences and injury patterns of orthopaedic injuries in children with non-fatal injuries. Aims: To describe the incidence and injury pattern of orthopaedic injuries in pediatric patients. Materials and Methods: 353 patients under the age of 18 years were included in our study over a period of one year. Age and Sex distribution, duration since injury at presentation, Mode of injury, Region of injury, type of fractures and need for surgical intervention were studied. Results: Most patients were in the adolescent age group and presented after 24 hours of injury. Most common mode of injury was road traffic accident. The highest affected region of injury was thigh with 29.8% patients having femoral shaft fractures. Closed fractures were seen in 248 patients and open fractures were seen in 105 patients. Physeal injury was seen in 46 patients. Conclusion: Measures to prevent road traffic injuries in children need to be emphasized on as it has become a major cause of injury and disability in the young age groups of our population