Estimation Of Life Expectancy For Assam: A Simulation Base Study

Research Article
Karuna Gogoi and Manash Pratim Barman
Life table, Chiang Method, normality, simulation.

Life expectancy is a key characteristic of human longevity and development and different policies are formulated worldwide including India to increase it. Life expectancy at birth and at age sixty plays a pivotal role in policy making and determining human development index and gender development index. In this research paper the researcher estimated the life expectancy of Assam using simulation technique and done an in-depth analysis on it. For comparison purpose the life expectancy of India is also estimated using the same procedure. Chiang method of abridged life table having 85+ open ends with five year age interval is used to estimate the life expectancies. Normality of estimated life expectancies is tested by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test. Life expectancy at birth is found as 68.88 (95% CI from 68.66 to 69.10) years and 71.76 (95% CI from 71.49 to 72.03) years for Assam and India respectively. Life expectancy at age sixty of Assam shows 0.69 years less than national level having 20.85 years and 21.54 years respectively. Although life expectancy of Assam seems to be improved over time but it is less satisfactory in comparison to the national level. High maternal and infant mortality rates, low level of immunization coverage may be the some causes of not up to scratch life expectancy of Assam