Background: Chronic bronchitis and asthma both are the condition with obstructive airflow limitation. The exercise tolerance in both the condition is markedly reduced. This study was conducted to compare in which of the above condition the exercise colerance is more reduced using incremental shuttle walk test.
Method: 30 patients were taken and were divided in 2 groups with 15 patients in each group. Group A consisted patients with chronic bronchitis and Group B consisted of asthmatic patients. Both the groups underwent the same test i.e. incremental shuttle walk test. Data were analyzed on the bases of HR, RPE, VO2 max and RPP.
Outcome Measure and Its Measurement The following outcome measures were measured before and after the test.
1. Heart rate.
2. Rate of perceived exertion
3. VO2 max
4. Rate pressure product. Before the test measurements were compared to after the test measurements. Statistical Analysis
Statistical Analysis
· Pre post comparison of scale is done by paired t-test
· Between group comparison are done by unpaired t-test
· P valve <0.05 is taken up for statistical significance
Results: The HR, RPE, VO2 max and RPP values were taken in both Group A and Group B and there was no significant difference found between Group A and Group B. (p>0.05)
Conclusion: The results indicate that there is no significant difference in the exercise tolerance in patients with chronic bronchitis and asthma using incremental shuttle walk test.