Evaluating Non-Communicable Diseases In Geriatrics With Emphasis On Polypharmacy And Its Cost Burden

Research Article
Pradeep Battula., Summiah Afreen S., Raviteja A and Lavanya K
Non communicable Diseases, Polypharmacy, potentially inappropriate medication, economic cost

Now-a-days, Non communicable Diseases and polypharmacy are the major reason for mortality. NCD’s needs long term treatment leading to higher expenses and in presence of co-morbidities, situation worsen and need multiple drug use contributing to consequences along with cost burden, low QOL and even death. A prospective observational study aimed to assess the economic burden of NCD along with polypharmacy in Geriatrics and AGS 2016 Beers Criteria was used to evaluate the potentially inappropriate medication use. A total of 211 geriatric patients were included, where majority were males (67%, n=141). Among NCDs, cardiovascular diseases (39.5%,n=68) were more prominent. Our study found that mean drug cost of branded drugs was adding an extra burden to the patient than the generic drug cost. Management of NCDs in geriatric patient is a challenge, since the geriatric population come across with co-morbidity, where treating each and every condition leads to multiple drug use. Efforts by clinical pharmacist should be done to improve the proper medication use, minimise adverse effects, improve quality of life, and create awareness regarding benefits and availability of generic medicine.