Introduction: Detecting a person’s real age constitutes one of the studying area of forensic science experts. Age determination must be done at unidentified persons’ deaths, persons who haven’t ability of self expression but in our country it’s being done at criminal responsibility detection, state of mind’s detection, sexual assault cases, starting the school or job, joining the army and most events concerning person’s life, because of not keeping reliable birth records. Materials and methods: 100 cases which applied to our department were taken to our study. Cases which are applied to our department physical examinations (height, weight, seconder sex characteristics occuarance, number of teeth) were done, then PA wrist, AP and lateral elbow, AP shoulder and PA pelvis graphies were requested from radiodiagnotic department. Results: 22 of 100 cases which were come under of our study is male, if it’s looked to their identity card ages, males are mostly 17 with five cases and females are mostly 14with 24 cases. Average age is 15.3, male average age is 16,2 and female average age is 15. It attracted the attention via negotiation with people and investigation of sending documents, 35 (35%) cases are sent to our department because of young age illegal marriage. It was detected that one of the cases is 8 years older than his/her id card age, 2 of them are 7 years older than their id card age, 19 each are 2 and 3 years older than their id card age; totally 69 cases’ (69%) detected ages are older than id card age, 24 cases’(24%) detected bone age are compatible to their id card age, 5 cases (5%) are smaller than their id cars age. Conclusion: We must be careful, because of the looking closure of epiphysis at long bones in age detection from bone, many factors have effects on epiphysis closure like socioeconomic statement, race, nutrition, etc. Besides, references had to be made at age detection for multicolored Turkish.