Background: All medical students will be responsible to conduct educational activities, either to their peer or junior. Every medical student will be a resident candidate and future faculty member who has a role as teacher, therefore medical student should be provided with teaching skills. Every student istrained to be an effective communicator, which is a main principle of doctor-patient relationships. Medical students who hasa good understanding about teaching and learning principles are expected to be good learner. Unfortunately, teaching abilities are often ignored by the institution of medical education. This study was aimed to explore which teaching skills are required by the medical students. Methodology: The study was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine Mulawarman University using a qualitative approach. Data was obtained using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). FGD was done for students who have experiences in peer teaching. Fifteen students participate in this research, 6 males and 9 females, which were randomly divided into 3 groups. All FGD were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. The FGD transcripts were analysed thematically. Results: This study identified two main themes: preparation and implementation. Theme 1 (preparation),we suggested that every student need to be provided with time management skills, content selections, and instructional media preparations. Theme 2 (implementation),we identified that students require presentation skills, self confidence and time management skills during presentation. Conclusion: Every medical students should be provided with content selections, preparation of instructional media, presentation skills, self confidence and time management skill during presentation.