Factors The Effect Utilization Of Maritime Resources, Nets Fishermen On The Economic Empowerment The Rural Community (Study In Lapandewamakmur Village - South Buton District)

Research Article
Liwaul., St. Fatmawati L., Akhar Abdullah and Zaludin
Maritime, economic Empowernment, Poverty

The study purpose is describe factors the effect utilization of maritime resources nets fishermen on the economic empowerment of LapandewaMakmur villagers Research methodology is descriptive qualitative approach, data techniques using primary to conducting interviews informants and secondary data. Descriptive data analysis technique is making a description of the reduction, display and drawing conclusions The results showed that factors efectutilization of maritime resources nets fishermen on the economic empowerment of LapandewaMakmur villagers, as follows : 1) Economic factors of the community due difficulties of current economy, basic necessities are espencsive goods so they choose to pursue the business of nets fishermen to fulfill basic needs, family needs, school children, and other needs, 2) Factors of Community Empowerment are basically the owners of capital trying to make a goal nets is empowering the economy of the community but constrained by means of experiencing various damages that affect income levels that currently is difficult to increasing community empowerment, 3) Poverty Factors, the poverty factor is causes LapandewaMakmur villagers to job as nets fishermen because difficulty in finding job in the countryside, the powerlessness the community increasenets income the high prices of goods and burden natural conditions, the jobs as a fisherman net fisherman should be carried out, 4) low level education of the Lapandewa Village community that economic powerlessness of rural communities sustainable manner. Related to always providing entrepreneurship training or counseling for community empowerment so they can be equipped knowledge about entrepreneurship, in addition need for government assistance for business capital and rural communities can be economically empowered to basic needs can be met