Symbiotic efficiency of ectomycorrhizal fungi on the growth and nutrient uptake of Schima wallichii seedlings were studied in two abandoned jhum land. Native ectomycorrhizal fungi (Suillus bovinus, Boletus edulis and Scleroderma citrinum) were inoculated using pure culture technique. Various growth characters viz. shoot height, leaf length, root length, root colar diameter and seedlings volume at various intervals responded significantly to all the fungal inoculants. A significant variation in phosphorus (P<0.01) content was observed between the treated and un-inoculated control. The formation and network of ectomycorrhizae appears to have an affirmative impact on the increased absorption of phosphorus resulting in better growth of the seedlings. Among the fungal inoculants, Boletus edulis successfully colonized and promoted the growth and nutrient uptake in Schima wallichii seedlings.