Introduction: Regular Growth monitoring can aid in early detection and appropriate actions for growth faltering. It is therefore important that regular practices pertaining to Growth Monitoring is done, which will lead to improved skills of the AWWs. Efficacy in practices is also affected with the availability and functionality of logistics related to Growth Monitoring at the AWC.
Objectives: 1. To assess the improvement in practices related to growth monitoring by Anganwadi workers after the planned intervention. 2. To assess the effect of availability and Functionality of logistics on the practices related to Growth monitoring by AWWs
Methodology: It was a field based interventional study, which was conducted on 66 AWWs each from Chiraigaon (intervention) and Cholapur (control) community development blocks of Varanasi district. AWWs were interviewed with the help of a predesigned and pretested interview schedule. Availability and functionality of logistics at the Anganwadi Centers were verified and practices related to Growth Monitoring by AWWs were cross examined during Village health and Nutrition day.
Results: Practicing correct methods for ‘date of birth’ confirmation was significantly (p<0.05) improved post intervention. The proportion of respondents practicing complete filling of the growth chart increased from less than 50% to 72.7% in intervention block during endline (p<0.05). The uses of equipments (weighing machines, infantometer etc.) were higher in proportions as compared to their availability and functionality.
Conclusion: Intervention was found effective in improving the practices of AWWs in regard with growth monitoring and availability and functionality of logistic support required for growth monitoring was found affecting their related practices.